Showing 8 Result(s)
Family Life

The Looming Empty Nest

It’s there. Out in the not so distant horizon. A childless house is coming, in just a few short months. My husband and I began our lives together as a family of seven. We look forward to having time for just the two of us. Still, the idea that my days of raising children are …

Family Life Social Issues

Learning to Listen

IGNORANT:​ 1. (often disapproving) not having or showing much knowledge or information about things; not educated an ignorant person/question Never make your students feel ignorant. 2. not having any knowledge or information about a particular thing  ignorant of something At that time I was ignorant of events going on elsewhere.  ignorant about something He’s ignorant about modern technology. …

brown hourglass on brown wooden table
Family Life

There are No Do-Overs

My twins recently graduated from their respective colleges. They’ve both now started their “adult” lives. I had no idea how hard it was going to be to let them go. It was different than when they went to college. That milestone we prepare for from the time our children are born. We bide our days …